Regular dental exams and consultations are essential in the prevention of dental problems and maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. Dr. Wong provides convenient, individualized appointments for new patients in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Dr. Wong spends time with new patients, getting to know them and listening to their chief concerns and long-term dental goals. Using the medical and dental history forms provided by Dr. Wong and his team, patients are able to review any current medical conditions, new medications, and illnesses with the doctor for a better understanding of their overall health.
Dr. Wong provides patients with extensive dental examinations that include:
By taking time with patients during comprehensive dental exams, Dr. Wong is able to recommend the best preventive dental care and treatment options to prevent any potential problems.
Dr. Wong encourages patients of all ages to have their teeth checked and cleaned at least twice a year. At these visits, teeth are thoroughly cleaned and checked for cavities. Any build-up of plaque and calculus is removed, and teeth are thoroughly polished.
Dr. Wong and his team also take time during dental exams and teeth cleaning to review oral hygiene recommendations and ideal dietary habits to help patients maintain optimal dental health through preventive dental care and treatment.